Honestly, I'm still not so sure about this whole blogging thing. I'm basically writing my thoughts down for the world to see. It's kinda scary. For me and for the people reading it. However, I love reading other's blogs because it lets me know what people are THINKING. This is something I do a lot of. Which is why I decided to start a blog of my own.
I will usually be talking about the PEOPLE in my life. So, to all of you amazing people in my life...I will most likely be sharing a story about you at some point. You should be happy about that. It means I respect you and am learning things from you :)
I feel like you need to know why I care about people as much as I do. I can answer that with one word: Jesus. Jesus is relational. He has a heart for people. He is chill, walks around in sandals, and He truly shows us how to "Love your neighbor as yourself." So...because I love Jesus, I want to see people, and the world, as He does. I want to love people like Jesus loves us. Unconditionally.
One more thing. I tend to analyze everything. From every possible angle. Over and over again. Yeah. Crazy...right? Sometimes. But, in a good way (I hope). And that's going to be my disclaimer to you. So, read at your own risk.
Differing Perspectives in the PCA
2 years ago
yay! welcome to the world of blogging!
Kels... I love you girl! I'm excited to get to read your thoughts and then cause me to reanalyze my thoughts so I sit in bed at night analyzing a magnitude of thougths and not getting enough sleep! haha.
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