So, I've been here in Lexington for over 4 years and I am finally starting to really appreciate it. I live on an amazing little street known as Woodland Avenue. Three of my roommates graduated and moved out, while three new people moved in. It is weird living with new people after 4 years...but it's also great because it brings in a whole new dynamic. Directly across the street, 6 of our good friends/teammates moved in. They have added something that is one of the main reasons that I am loving Woodland even more this year....
Life-changing, for real.
A few nights a week, a bunch of us just sit out on that porch, people watching, talking , and strumming guitars. We often get into deep, meaningful conversations about Jesus and about life :) It has become one of my favorite places in Lexington. It has actually made me realize how much I am going to miss this place when I leave.
I know people say this all the time, but four years have gone by so incredibly fast. I am definitely not the same person. It's funny to think of who I was back 18 year old coming to a new and unfamiliar place; A student that had to figure out how to balance classes and homework without driving myself crazy; A soccer player stepping into a program that would push me beyond my mental and physical limits; A girl meeting teammates that have become my best friends and family; Just a person searching for more.
And now...I bleed BLUE; I am 22 years old and Lexington has become home; I am 4 classes (which don't stress me out anymore) and less than a semester away from graduating; I am a retired college athlete that knows what it takes and misses the uniform; I am no longer part of a team but the current and past players are my family for life; I am still just a person but, somewhere between the soccer and school and friends, I have found what it means to be alive.
So I sit on this amazing porch thinking about all this stuff. It makes me want to cry a little bit. But then I look around at the homeless person digging through the trash, and the people going out, and the cars going by. And then I look even closer at the people I'm sitting with. Some faces that I've known for 4 years, and others for only less than a year. These are the people that have gone through arguably the most challenging four years of life with me, and I with them. As my roomie roasts me a marshmallow over the tiny candle flame, I realize how much I love life and how much I appreciate the people God has put in mine.
I would like to travel back in time, as I am now, to ask that naive 18 year old 'me' what she thinks of who I have become now. There is still much growing/learning/changing to be done and I want the person that I have become now to be proud of the person I am yet to be, years from now.
It hasn't been easy. It never is, right? There are some things I regret but, mostly, I look back and smile. It's just another season of life. Stepping out of the house and onto the porch. Eventually I have to step off that porch and find a new path. There are so many paths and it's a bit confusing. So, for now, I think I will stay right here on the porch.
Differing Perspectives in the PCA
2 years ago
step off the porch onto my patio? ;) jk- only in my utopian dreams do all of my friends come visit me at my house and live in some sort of mass, semi-functional, crazy harmony. however, Kudzu is considering tailoring its program for nxt year to creating a school team and competing in the inner-city league... sounds like we need a director, coach, leader, etc etc... do you know anyone looking to start a club founded on Jesus' teachings? i think you do... you should send her my way...
you're fantastical. thank you for telling me this morning and thank you for making a few of your thoughts public :] as ive said before, i enjoy reading the bit and pieces you make known
ps. there are 3 Hannah's in the AOC, therefore, the nickname you gave me might now be used by more than just you! ahhhh, looks like im going to me Messi to a whole bunch of nature lovin, rock climbin, tree huggin people! way to go Fenix :], you are the 1st person to ever give me a functioning nickname and for the moment you have successfully nickednamed me... you should feel accomplished! haha
pps. just so you know, you're bookmarked and i check your blog daily to see if you've updated... im that ___________.
I tried Hannah-Bo...didn't stick.
Oh and she's not kidding about those Utopian dreams. The worst is when she invites you over via text as if it's normal. Talk about depressing "Messi."
Sorry I'm responding to the comment and not the blog...I loved the blog. :)
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