I can't think of too many things that are more amazing than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Pure joy for my taste buds. People will argue many different ways to create a PB&J. I, however, am the Yoda of this simple yet glorious sandwich. Just to clear up some confusion: 1. you must use wheat bread, 2. you must use strawberry jelly, 3. any peanut butter will do, but you must use at least twice as much peanut butter as jelly...peanut butter is the star, you have to let him shine. :)
I now appreciate PB&J in a whole new way because I ate it every single day during my 3-week trip to Los Angeles. I had the privilege of enjoying this meal for 21 days with some of the most amazing people I have ever met. So, now, every time I eat a PB&J it takes me right back to sitting around a table with my new brothers and sisters, surrounded by a love and community that I miss more and more each day.
I would also like to take the time to mention one of the greatest inventions known to man. It, like PB&J, is a sandwich...on a whole new level.
Diddy Reise's. Better known as "Diddy's."
Wow. The name just makes my mouth water.
Diddy's is an ice cream place in L.A. It is a small business, with a line going out the door and down the block. You get to choose two homemade cookies, they can be the same or different. You then choose an ice cream flavor. The Diddy's experts place the scoop of ice cream between the two cookies...making a beautiful sandwich. And it's only $1.50! Absolute brilliance.
During my first experience at Diddy's I had, not one, but TWO of these masterpieces. Yeah, no worries...I can throw down. We then proceeded to eat Diddy's 4 or 5 more times during the last week.
One night at 11:42pm a craving for Diddy's overtook a few of us. Now, Diddy's closes at midnight and on a normal drive it takes about 20 minutes to get there. Nothing was going to stop us. We jumped in someone's car and risked our lives on the highways of California to make it to Diddy's in EIGHT minutes...getting there in plenty of time to order and fulfill our need.
Peanut butter and jelly. Diddy Reise's. My amazing sisters.
Sounds like heaven to me :)
Differing Perspectives in the PCA
2 years ago
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